Strategy bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Our services

  • At Reunify Alaska, we conduct bonding assessments to carefully examine the relationship between a parent or caregiver and their child.

    These assessments are vital in legal and child welfare contexts, providing key insights into the strength and nature of these important relationships. By observing interactions and analyzing attachment patterns, we assess how these bonds influence the child’s emotional and psychological development. Our findings help guide decisions in custody disputes, adoption cases, and reunification efforts, ensuring that the child’s well-being remains the top priority.

    Whether you’re navigating legal matters, or a professional assigned to a child welfare case, our bonding assessments offer valuable perspectives to support the best outcomes for the family.

    Reach out to us to discover how our assessments can provide the clarity needed for your case.

  • At Reunify Alaska, we provide thorough and impartial court-ordered custody investigations to assist in determining the best possible arrangements for a child’s welfare. We conduct detailed evaluations, considering all aspects of each parent's ability to provide a safe, stable, and nurturing environment.

    Our custody investigations offer a comprehensive analysis of the child's living conditions, parental capabilities, and overall family dynamics. We gather and assess relevant information, including interviews, home visits, and parent observations, to provide the court with a clear, unbiased report.

    Our commitment to fairness and thoroughness ensures that every investigation is conducted with the utmost professionalism, focusing on the child's best interests. Whether you're an attorney seeking reliable investigative support or a parent navigating a custody case, we are here to provide the expertise you need.

    At Reunify Alaska, we are members with certification through Nationally Certified Custody Evaluator (NCCE), Child Forensic Interviewing with ChildFirst Alaska, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) and certified forensic social worker through National Organization of Forensic Social Work (NOFSW).

    Contact us today to learn more about how our custody investigations can support your case and contribute to a positive outcome for the children involved.

  • At Reunify Alaska, we offer specialized expert witness testimony in child welfare and child forensic interviewing. With extensive experience in evaluating child safety, parental alienation, trauma, and overall child well-being, we provide clear, credible, and informed testimony to support legal cases involving children.

    Melissa Skarbek, LCSW, our expert witness, is recognized as an expert in the third and fourth judicial districts of Alaska. Her expertise allows her to assess a wide range of issues, including risk factors in a child's environment—such as exposure to abuse, neglect, substance misuse, or domestic violence—and to recommend safety measures like custody arrangements and supervised visitation. Melissa can also evaluate and testify on a parent’s capacity to meet their child’s needs, considering critical factors such as parenting skills, mental health, and overall stability. In situations where parental alienation is a concern, she provides valuable insights into how one parent’s actions may be impacting the child’s relationship with the other parent, and the potential long-term effects of such actions. Her testimony helps the court make informed decisions that prioritize the child’s best interests.

    Furthermore, Melissa’s training in child forensic interviewing ensures that all information is gathered in a developmentally appropriate and legally sound manner. We deliver comprehensive analysis and objective insights that are crucial in custody disputes, criminal cases, abuse cases, and other legal matters.

    Whether you are an attorney seeking a knowledgeable expert to strengthen your case, or a parent involved in complex legal proceedings, our expert witness services offer the clarity and authority essential for the courtroom.

     Contact us to learn how our expert testimony can support your case and advocate for the best interests of the child.

  • At Reunify Alaska, we provide thorough and objective parenting assessments tailored to meet the needs of attorneys and agencies involved in legal matters. Our assessments offer a detailed evaluation of a parent’s ability to provide a safe, stable, and nurturing environment for their child, delivering critical insights that are essential in legal proceedings.

    Our expert conducts in-depth assessments that include interviews, observations, and a review of relevant records. We evaluate key factors such as parenting skills, mental health, home environment, and the parent-child relationship. Our findings are presented in clear, comprehensive reports that support informed decision-making in court cases involving custody, visitation, and child welfare.

    Whether you need an unbiased evaluation for a custody dispute or require a detailed report for court proceedings, our parenting assessments provide the reliable, expert analysis you need to advocate effectively for the best interests of the child.

     Contact us to learn how our parenting assessment services can enhance your case and ensure that every decision is grounded in the well-being of the child.

  • At Reunify Alaska, we understand that co-parenting can be challenging. Our Parenting Coordination services are designed to help parents work together effectively, reduce conflict, and focus on what's best for their children.

    Through guided communication and problem-solving, we assist parents in resolving disputes, improving their co-parenting relationship, and creating a stable, positive environment for their kids. Whether you're dealing with custody issues, communication breakdowns, or other co-parenting challenges, we're here to support you every step of the way.

    At Reunify Alaska, we are Nationally Certified Parenting Coordinators (NCPC) with the Professional Academy of Custody Experts (PACE).

    Let us help you build a healthier, more cooperative co-parenting relationship that benefits both you and your children. Reach out today to learn more about how Parenting Coordination can make a difference for your family.

  • At Reunify Alaska, we understand the emotional challenges that come with family separation. Our Reunification Therapy services are designed to help rebuild and strengthen relationships between parents and children who have been separated. Whether due to divorce, conflict, or other circumstances, we work with families to restore trust, improve communication, and foster a healthy, supportive relationship.

    We use a compassionate, step-by-step approach tailored to each family's unique needs. We focus on creating a safe space where both parents and children can express their feelings, address past conflicts, and work towards healing together.

    Reunification Therapy not only helps restore family bonds but also supports the emotional well-being of everyone involved, ensuring a brighter, more connected future.

     If you're seeking to reconnect with your child or mend family relationships, contact us today to learn how our Reunification Therapy services can guide you on this important journey. Let us help your family come together again!

  • At Reunify Alaska, we offer supervised visitation services that provide a secure and nurturing environment for families to maintain meaningful connections. Our goal is to ensure that visits between parents and children occur in a safe, structured, and positive setting, promoting healthy relationships while protecting the well-being of the child.

    For parents, our supervised visitations allow you to spend quality time with your child under the guidance of a trained professional who ensures a supportive atmosphere. For attorneys, our services provide the reassurance of compliance with court orders, detailed documentation, and a focus on the child’s best interests.

     We understand that every family’s situation is unique, and our compassionate approach is designed to meet your specific needs. Whether you're navigating complex custody issues or seeking to rebuild family bonds, our supervised visitation services are here to support you.

    Contact us to learn more about how we can assist in creating safe, positive experiences for your family through supervised visitations.

“Thank you so much for all you have done! You have brought joy to all. I look forward to working with you hopefully in less trying and stressful situations.”

— J. W.

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